pathways rotorua kindergarten

Welcome to Pathways Steiner Rotorua Kindergarten

Children at Pathways Rotorua Kindergarten experience a natural environment where they can play and create – play based learning. They are given the time and space to foster imagination. Children are able to experience the magic and wonder of childhood – allowing children to be children, “learning life from life”. Our wonderful, experienced team of kindy teachers can’t wait to meet you.

Why does it feel so different, so special, in a Steiner Kindergarten? There is a peaceful quiet under the hum of activity and focus, the teachers speak and sing softly and the children move about with a comfortable confidence.

There are many things that contribute to this unique setting, including the unhurried atmosphere, the smell of fresh bread or kai, or the way the teachers move about the day doing purposeful work. The daily rhythm creates an age appropriate atmosphere of play based learning and teacher modelling. Tamariki would never go home to report on what was “learned”, but would instead tell tales of imaginative games, a puppet story, time outside, or proudly report that they had helped make bread or sweep the floor.

  • Are you looking for a calm, stress free environment for your young child to grow and learn?
  • Are you interested in quality natural materials for learning and play, with an outdoor environment that provides grass to run on, trees to climb and gardens to explore?
  • Do you value wholesome food, mainly organic, prepared daily and including produce grown and cared for by the children?

If yes, then Pathways Steiner Rotorua Kindergarten is for you. Come along and check it out for yourself.

kindergarten rotorua outdoor play sandpit

What does our lovely Rotorua kindy offer?

  • Pathways has experienced qualified teachers and staff numbers exceed MoE requirements for adult-child ratios.
  • Pathways is a non-profit organisation with a caring community offering family support.
  • The children also help to care for their own environment at this Rotorua kindy, helping with gardening and involved in other meaningful tasks.
  • We serve fresh fruit and vegetable snacks, and a fresh lovingly prepared meal for lunch – vegetarian and mostly organic.
  • Regular festivals and celebrations bring families together throughout the year. At Pathways Kindergarten the children, their parents, caregivers and families become part of our supportive community.

“Play must not be left to chance,
for it is through play that the child
learns and learns eagerly
and with enjoyment”
– Ruldolf Steiner

If you are interested please get in touch sooner rather than later to reserve a place at our wonderful kindergarten. Or if you have any questions please contact us.

imaginative play

Quick Info

  • Up to 20 Free hrs avail. for age 2-6
  • Hours: 8.30am - 3.30pm
  • Daily cap of 20 children
  • Phone: 07 348 9532 between 8.30-3.30pm
  • Email:

Come Visit!

We welcome you to come and check out our Kindy for yourself. We like to minimise disruption to the regular rhythms of our kindy day, so calling ahead and making an appointment is appreciated. Thank you.


Read what parents say about us on our testimonials page.

Get a taste of what we get up to

See our Take a Glimpse posts and read our What We Do and Why